Why i have to heal my chakras?

  • I can keep my actions in appropriate boundaries, by healing my chakra
  • I can seek pleasure without guilty, by healing my second chakra
  • I am aware of ego during my actions, by healing my third chakra
  • I devoted to any relationship, by healing my fourth chakra
  • I can speak truthfully, by healing my fifth chakra
  • I can sense my Intuition, by healing my sixth chakra
  • I can feel my divinity, by healing my seventh chakra

Where chakras located in human body?

Chakras are energy centers in your bodies and each chakra is associated with major glands in your physical bodies. The chakras are connected to each other through energetic threads known as Nadis to form Chakras Nadis Network. Location is mentioned for your focus during healing meditation.

Chakra/Sanskrit NameGland Location
Root Chakra/MuladharaGonads glandBase of spine
Sacral Plexus Chakra/SvadhistanaLeydig gland2 inches below the Navel
Solar Plexus Chakra/ManipuraAdrenal gland2 inches above the Navel
Heart Chakra/AnahataThymus glandAt the center of the chest
Throat Chakra/VishuddhaThyroid glandAt the front of base of neck, at the hollow of collarbone
Third Eye/AjnaPituitary glandBetween the eyebrows
Crown Chakra/SahasraraPineal glandAt the top and center of the head
Endocrine system of the body association with chakras

What are colors, crystals and oils used to heal?

Root ChakraRedRuby, GarnetSandalwood
Sacral Plexus ChakraOrangeAmber, CoralRosewood, Lemon
Solar Plexus ChakraYellowYellow TopazLavender
Heart ChakraGreenEmerald, Rose quartzRose, Lavender
Throat ChakraLight blueTurquoise, AquamarineRosemary
Third eye ChakraIndigoAmethystFrankincense, Lavender, Sandalwood
Crown ChakraPurple, White, GoldAmethyst, White Topaz, DiamondFrankincense, Sandalwood, Lotus

What benefits I have in my Teen age life(13-19)

I can focus
I can choose correct path
I can become healthy adult

What benefits I have in my work life(21- 🎶)

I will be happy at work
I can balance my weekends

What benefits I have in my retired life(70-💕)

I deliver loving kindness
I will not feel lonely
I get guidance from my higher-self

What is purpose of each chakra?

Sacral plexusMovement, Connection
Solar plexusTransformation
Heart chakraLove, Balance
Throat chakraCommunication, Creativity
Third eye chakraPattern recognition
Crown chakraUnderstanding

What are issues of a chakra?

RootGrounding, Trust, lack of boundaries
Sacral plexusEmotions, Sexuality, Pleasure
Solar plexusWill power, Energy, Activity
Heart chakraSelf-love, Relationship, Intimacy
Throat chakraFinding own voice, Listening, Communication
Third eye chakraImagination, Intuition, Insight
Crown chakraBeliefs, Divinity

What happens if i have excess or deficiency in a chakra?

RootOver-eating, Material fixation, Fear of changesRestless, Disconnection from body
Sacral plexusEmotional dependency, Pleasure addictionPoor social skills, Lack of desire
Solar plexusDominating, Need to be rightLow energy, Poor digestion, Victim mentality
Heart chakraOverly sacrificing, Demanding, JealousyDepression, Judgmental, Narcissism
Throat chakraToo much talking, GossipingFear of speaking, Difficulty putting feelings into words
Third eye chakraHallucinations, Difficulty concentrating, ObsessionsPoor memory, Denial (can’t see what is going on), Difficulty seeing future
Crown chakraOver-intellectualization, Spiritual addictionLearning difficulties, Rigid beliefs, Excess in lower 3 chakras