The Sun salutations are a series of yoga poses that lengthen and strengthen every major muscle group in the human body. When done in cycles over a twenty minute period, the series can provide cardiovascular exercise as well.

Pose 1: Salutation pose

Begin with feet parallel and big toes touching; bring your hands to your heart center and close your eyes

Pose 2: Sky -reaching pose

Pose 3: Hand to Foot pose

Pose 4: Equestrian pose

Pose 5: Sky reaching in equestrian pose

Pose 6: Child pose (First variation)

Pose 7: Down dog (Second variation)

Pose 8: Eight limbs pose

Pose 9: Cobra pose

Pose 10: Down dog

Pose 11: Equestrian pose

Pose 12: Sky reaching in equestrian pose

Pose 13: Hand to Foot pose

Pose 14: Sky reaching pose

Pose 15: Salutation pose